Abfallwirtschaftliche Geschäftsmodelle für Textilien in der Circular Economy
Rebecca Niebler
sofia Studien 2020, No. 2 https://doi.org/10.46850/sofia.9783941627833
This master thesis explores the challenges for waste management business models in the field of textiles regarding the requirements of the circular economy, as well as improvement potentials in the current framework conditions. It is concerned with the research question: "Is it advisable to change the frame-work conditions at meso or macro level, with regard to business models for waste management companies in the textile sector that are oriented towards the requirements of the circular economy, and - if so - in what way?” The approach of the study is based on the delta analysis of the e Society for Institutional Analysis at the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. It compares the target state of the normative requirements with the actual state of the textile and waste management framework conditions and attempts to identify the gaps (the delta). Based on the delta, it develops approaches that are intended to help reduce the gaps. The thesis develops three business models for the target year 2025 in different areas: an exchange platform for sorters, recyclers and designers, an automatic sorting plant and a plant for fibre-to-fibre recycling of mixed materials. It is becoming clear that these business models cannot meet the target requirements for the circular economy. The analysis identifies the remaining gaps in the framework conditions as the main problem. For example, insufficient innovation impulses and the lack of competitiveness of secondary raw materials inhibit the actors from applying and using new technologies and business models. Restricted access to knowledge and information, as well as a lack of transparency between the actors, also prove to be problematic. In order to answer the research question, the study recommends altering the framework conditions at meso and macro level. It proposes a platform for cooperation between designers, the introduction of a material declaration system and an eco-design guideline for textiles as possible development options. In addition, this work offers a matrix of criteria to help the actors test and improve their new waste management business models regarding their suitability for the circular economy. The analysis is carried out from an outsider's perspective on the entire textile industry. It therefore cannot cover and deal with all aspects and individual circumstances of each player in detail. The necessary changes in the framework conditions that have been identified can therefore be used as a basis for further investigations.
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