IV. Fremdsprachliche Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl)
Stand März 2009
- Individual producer responsibility: A remaining challenge under the WEEE Directive
Führ, M;/Roller G., Review of European and International Environmental Law (RECIEL), i.E.
- REACh as a paradigm shift in chemical policy -
responsive regulation and behavioural models
Führ, M./Bizer, K.; in: Journal of Cleaner Production (JCLP), (i.E.), Elsevier, Exeter (UK)
- REACh as a paradigm shift in chemical policy -
responsive regulation and behavioural models
Führ, M./Bizer, K.; in: Journal of Cleaner Production (JCLP), 5, 2007 (4), p. 327-334, Elsevier, Exeter (UK)
- Legal appraisal of nano technologies: Existing legal framework, the need for regulation and regula-tive options at a European and a national level
Führ, M./Merenyi, Stefanie et al., Dessau 2007,
(download here)
- Mind the Gap - Interface Problems between EC Chemicals Law and sectoral environmental legislation
Führ, M./Merenyi, S., Review of European and International Environmental Law (RECIEL) 15 2006 (3), p. 281-292
- Transnational Law Making – The WEEE-Example
Führ, M.; in: Richard Macrory (Ed.): Reflections on 30 Years of EU Environmental Law - A High Level of Protection (liber amicorum for Ludwig Krämer), Europa Law Publishing, Groningen (NL), 2006, p. 273-285
- Self-responsibility as a regulatory concept – as illustrated by the REACh decision-making process
M. Führ/U. Lahl; in: Th. Ormond/M. Führ/R. Barth: Environmental law and policy at the turn to the 21st century, Berlin (Lexxion) 2006, p. 209-220
- Risk management under REACh - Requirements of technical and organisational guidance for producers, importers and downstream users
Führ, M./Krieger, N.; in: elni-review 2006, p. 7-15
- Transnationaler Gesetzgebungsprozess und EU-Politik im Bereich der Produktion am Beispiel des Elektro- und Elektronikschrotts
Führ, M.; in Ökologisches Recht (in russischer Sprache), Moskau 2006, S. 30-36
- Interface Problems between EC Chemicals Law and sector specific Environmental Legislation (IPPC/WFD),
Führ, M./Merenyi, S., German Environmental Protection Agency, Dessau 2005
- Internalization versus Internationalization (INVERSI) - A Framework of Action for National and International Environmental Policy against the Background of Increasing Globalization and the Development of Electronic Markets
Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung, Gesellschaft für Arbeits-, Reorganisations- und ökologische Wirtschaftsberatung and Society for Institutional Analysis, University of Applied Sciences, Darmstadt:
BMBF Research Programme “Frameworks for Innovation Towards Sustainability”
- Reform of European Standardization Procedures
Requirements of constitutional and European law upon standardization through private bodies
Führ, M.; in: ELNI-Newsletter 2/96 (heute elni Review), p. 22-27
- Access to Justice - Legal Standing for Environmental Associations in the European Community
Führ, M./Gebers, B./Roller, G./Ormond, T.; in: Robinson, David/Dunkley, John: Public Interest Perspectives in Environmental Law, London (Wiley Chancery) 1995 (gekürzt abgedruckt in: ELNI-Newsletter 1/94 [heute elni Review], p. 3-9)
- Citizen's Role in the Enforcement of Environmental Law in Europe
Führ, M.; in: Gerardu, Jo/Wasserman, Cheryl (Eds.), International Conference on Environmental Enforcement (Budapest, Hungary, September 22 - 25, 1992), Den Haag/Washington, D.C./Brüssel 1993, p. 151-158 (= ELNI-Newsletter 1/94 [heute elni Review], p. 23-27)
- Programma europeo per il controllo dellímpatto delle industrie
Führ, M.; Rivista Giuridica dell'Ambiente 1992, S. 291-303
- European Framework for "Environmental Auditing"
Führ, M.; Milieu & Recht, 1992, S. 459-466
- Revision of the European Treaties in the Energy Sector
Führ, M./Gebers, B./Alber, G./Sailer, M.; Review of European and International Environmental Law (RECIEL) 2/1992, p. 135-141
- Ecological Behaviour of Public Bodies in Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands
(Umweltverhalten der öffentlichen Hand - Bestandsaufnahme von Recht und Praxis in Dänemark, den Niederlanden und BRD sowie Erarbeitung eines Vorschlags für zukünftige Aktivitäten auf EG-Ebene)
Gebers, B./Führ, M. in Kooperation mit der Universität Amsterdam und CASA, Kopenhagen, Darmstadt 1992 (Auftraggeber: Europäische Kommission)
- Access to Justice
(Beteiligungs- und Klagerechte für Bürger und Umweltverbände in Europa)
Führ, M./Gebers, B./Roller, G./Ormond, T./Cameron, J. ("Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development" - FIELD, am Kings College, London)/Halo, R. (Stichting Natuur en Milieu, Utrecht), Darmstadt 1992 (Auftraggeber: Europäische Kommission)