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Konzeptentwicklung für CDM-Projekte - Risikoanalyse der projektbezogenen Generierung von CO2-Zertifikaten (CER)

Rassul Ali

sofia Studien 2007, No 1

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) is a complex legal-institutional system that, on the one hand, offers industrialized countries options for cost-effective emission reductions and, on the other, provides developing countries with opportunities for sustainable development. Investors face the difficulty of identifying suitable CDM projects from approximately 130 possible host countries and nearly 60 possible project activities. In order to develop points of reference for strategic investments, this paper identifies and categorizes the risks arising in the value creation process of bilateral energy projects into four action-related levels. At the host level, the focus is on political-institutional and sector-specific risks, while at the investor state level, the legal design of the CDM's complementary function is relevant. The project level covers technology- and process-related risks, with the identification of the reference case and the proof of additionality posing particular problems. The future design of the CDM and the reform of the procedure at the UNFCCC level pose a fundamental risk. A two-stage assessment procedure is proposed for risk assessment: a rough analysis captures sociographic, climate policy, institutional and sector-specific criteria of the host. The differentiation of the project stage allows the localization of the project in the value chain and a differentiation regarding the use of methods. The assessment of project registration is based on the methods used and gives recognition rates per method and project category; project performance is measured in terms of the ratio of emission reductions actually realized to those planned in the project documentation. A detailed analysis following the coarse analysis provides qualitative guidance for project evaluation. These include the Executive Board's methodological principles, correct application of methodologies, identification of the reference case, proof of additionality, as well as the financial conditions of the relevant sector and publicity-related aspects. Despite individual hosts and project technologies, the developed two-step risk analysis allows, with relatively little effort and in line with business practice, an initial assessment of CDM project risks, so that overall it lays a fundamental building block for the elaboration of a strategic implementation and sustainable investment under the CDM.

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