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Kunststoffeinträge von Kunstrasenplätzen in Entwässerungssystem - Aufkommen, Rahmenbedingungen und Möglichkeiten der Eintragsminderung

Marco Breitbarth, Anja Hentschel and Simon Kaser

sofia Diskussionsbeiträge 2022, No. 1

Plastics as an environmental problem have been in the focus of science, politics and the public for a long time. Various sources and pathways have already been identified and a wide range of measures have been developed to reduce and, if possible, avoid inputs into the environment. Artificial grass pitches represent a special source of plastic inputs into the environment. Artificial grass with different infill materials has been widely used for some time now on surfaces for a wide range of sports, both amateur and professional. It is characterised by various advantages over natural grass. However, the use of artificial grass on sports surfaces also has its downsides, especially for the environment. On the one hand, the synthetic grass fibres themselves, which become detached through wear, are problematic. On the other hand, synthetic granulate is used as infill material on these pitches to reduce the risk of injury to players, to support the blades of artificial grass and to improve the playing characteristics of the field. However, this granulate can enter the environment in various ways - indirectly via drainage systems or directly. The following comments reflect research results from the InRePlast project. In the following chapter 2, the results of our own investigations on the topic are presented. In Chapter 3, these are compared to other publications and evaluated with regard to their significance. Chapter 4 is devoted to technical and organisational measures to reduce discharges as well as legal approaches to regulation. Finally, Chapter 5 draws a conclusion. Among other things, the study concludes that artificial grass pitches are less relevant as a specific source of plastic inputs than previously discussed. It should also be noted that the input into drainage systems via the collection of dirty water has a significantly higher relevance than the input via the collection of precipitation at the edge of the pitch and that measures should therefore focus on the carry-over on players' clothing and shoes.

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