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Regulatory experimentation as a tool to generate learning processes and govern innovation, An analysis of 26 international cases

Thore Sören Bischoff, Kaja von der Leyen, Simon Winkler-Portmann, Dierk Bauknecht et al

sofia Diskussionsbeiträge 2020, No. 7 https://doi.org/10.46850/sofia.9783941627857

Regulatory experiments can be useful to guide complex transitions in the field of sustainable development. They help to understand the effects of policies and regulations and offer insights into the dynamics of social processes. Empirical studies analyzing heterogeneous samples of regulatory experiments are missing. This paper uses a qualitative content analysis to examine 26 international cases of regulatory experiments in the field of sustainable development. The results show the diversity of existing regulatory experiments in terms of their design. We use the results to formulate implications on how to use regulatory experiments that facilitate learning processes.

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