Compact Guidelines: Practical Procedure in Interdisciplinary Institutional Analysis
Kilian Bizer and Martin Führ
sofia Diskussionsbeiträge 2015, No. 4
These guidelines compactly describe how an interdisciplinary institutional analysis is to be implemented in practice: Which steps of analysis and control have to be taken? Which research questions are important and which role do empirical results play in the analysis? The description will be based on the requirements that the legislator has to fulfil with regard to the estimation of effects (as it is regulated in § 44 of the Joint Rules of Procedure of the Federal Ministries (Gemeinsame Ges-chäftsordnung der Bundesministerien, GGO) and in the guidelines of the Eu-ropean Commission). The steps of analysis and examination outlined in this paper can be equally used in relation to institutional design problems in companies (like the ad-justment of determining factors regarding ‘Governance, Risk Management, Compliance’ – GRC), associations or authorities. At the end of the compact guidelines, key terms of institutional analysis will be explained in a glossary. The glossary further contains recommendations on secondary literature.
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- Bizer, Die Ökonomik der Verhältnismäßigkeitsprüfung. Sofia-Diskussionsbeiträge zur Institutionenanalyse no. 99-1, Darmstadt 1999.
- Führ, Eigen-Verantwortung im Rechtsstaat, Berlin 2003.